Kaal Sarp Dosh

Kaal Sarp Dosh is an inauspicious planetary condition that makes life troubled, stigmatic, unhappy, unstable, inimical, impoverished, ruins married life, love & romance, career and wealth to a great extent.
Kaal Sarp Dosh is formed in the birth chart (Kundli) when the seven planets Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are placed in between Rahu and Ketu. Means all the planets including ascendant or Lagna lies in one side or within 180 degrees of the zodiac sign.
Kaal Saarp Dosh is harmful that can problems for the individual. The effects differ basis the conditions of other planets. Few effects of Kaal Saarp Dosh are – work gets delayed and individual develops a habit of procrastination. Mental peace gets disturbed, loss of confidence and inferiority complex develops. Chronic health issues occur. Obstacles arise in profession, career or business. Unwanted worries and anxieties happen. Unhappy married life. The individual is faced with secret enemies, robberies and deceits. If the horoscope has two or more powerful Rajyogas in the birth chart the negative effects of Kaal Sarp Dosh gets reduced to a great extent.

Types of Kaal Sarp Dosh

Different position of Rahu and Ketu in the birth chart brings different results. There are 12 different kinds of Kaal Sarp Dosh.

Antant kaal Sarp Dosh is formed when Rahu is located in the Ascendant (1st) and Ketu in the 7th house. The individual needs to work hard for success, suffers in professional life and education and mental agony. These individuals may enter gambling, lottery, stock market and quick money scheme leading to financial losses. Chances are they will be devoid of parental love and might get implicated in police cases and lawsuits.

Kulik Kaal sarp Dosh is formed when Rahu is located in the 2nd house and Ketu in the 8th house. The individual gets victimized of defamation and scandal. The education is slowed down. Marital disputes, financial issues and loss of business occurs. The individual is devoid of offspring. Suffers from deceits from friends. The individual gets success due to hard work but is not able to enjoy the fruits.

Vasuki Kaal sarp Dosh is formed when Rahu is located in the 3rd house and Ketu in the 9th house. The individual has dis-harmony with siblings, domestic problems, health issues, dispute with political people, litigation and losses in business and profession. The individual’s achievements come in later part of life.

Shankpal Kaal Sarp Dosh is formed when Rahu and Ketu are located in 4th and 10th house respectively. The individual suffers from problem relating movable and immovable property and wealth. Success in the field of education is very limited. Hindrances in professional area. However despite lots of obstacles these individuals are highly successful in life.

Padma Kaal Sarp Dosh is formed when Rahu is located in the 5th house and Ketu in the 11th house. The individual will face problems in education and success comes in course of time. The individual will have lot of secret enemies and will suffers from various diseases. Though the life will be hectic the individual will have immense wealth and prosperity.

Mahapadma Kaal Sarp Dosh is formed when Rahu is located in the 6th house and Ketu in the 12th house. The individual will face problems in domestic life, are characterless and has to travel a lot for business purpose. These individuals are victorious over their enemies. Old age becomes very difficult. They are deceived by his own people. They are successful as politician, public speaker and lawyer.

Takshak Kaal Sarp Dosh is formed when Ketu and Rahu are located in the Ascendant (1st) and 7th house respectively. The individual does not get any ancestral property. They are unsuccessful in love and romance, do not get love from their family members and are involved in lottery, gamble and share markets etc. They are successful in helping others but do not get any reciprocation.

Takshak Kaal Sarp Dosh is formed when Ketu is located in 2nd and Rahu is located in the 8th house respectively. The individual finds it very difficult to succeed in life with little help from fate and fortune. They suffer from both mental and physical wellbeing and are always troubled due to their outspoken character. Despite hard work these persons do not get success.

Shankhchood Kaal Sarp Dosh is formed when Ketu is located in the 3rd house and Rahu in 9th house respectively. The individual faces problems in life starting from education, job, career and business. These individuals are selfish and try to take the property & wealth of other family members. They often face litigation.

Ghatak Kaal Sarp Dosh is formed when Ketu is located in 4th house and Rahu in the 10th house respectively. The individual serves his mother but is never happy and satisfied. They are not successful in partnership ventures. These person do not get increment and promotions easily, however, they are rich in life.

Ghatak Kaal Sarp Dosh is formed when Ketu is located in the 5th and Rahu in the 11th house respectively. The individual suffers loss of memory. They get higher education with great difficulty. They have dispute over parental property with the elder family members. They face issues with their children also.

Ghatak Kaal Sarp Dosh is formed when Ketu is located in the 6th and Rahu in the 12th house respectively. The individual gets everything late in life and suffers from both mental and physical illness. They always face financial problems. Their efforts are recognized posthumously. They are always faced with defamation and scandal.